Customized Training
If you can imagine it, we can teach it.
A combination of on-the-job training (OJT) and related classroom instruction under the supervision of a journey-level craft person or trade professional in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a highly skilled occupation. We can supply the instructor or you can bring your own. We supply the curriculum, the tools and equipment and the space. You supply the time and the students.
Contact Brittany Chaapel for more information
Hand Bending
Conduit Bending
Motor Controls
Pull and Junction Boxes
Grounding and Bonding
Cable Tray
Fire Alarms
OTHER (We can customize)
Hand Bending
Metal Framing
Doors, Frames & Hardware
Horizontal Formwork
Drywall Installation
Drywall Finishing
Concrete forms
OTHER (We can customize)
Copper and Plastic Piping Practices
Basic Maintenance
Soldering & Brazing Tool Recognition
TROUBLE-SHOOTING: Control Circuit & Motor Cooling
Heating Pumps
Gas Heating
Oil Heating
OTHER (We can customize)
Hand Bending
Tool Recognition
Service Plumbing
Measure, Cut, Reem, & join pipe
Intro to Welding
Medgas intro
Soldering & Brazing
Intro to Plumbing Math
Intro to Plumbing Drawings
Intro to Plumbing Fixtures
Intro to Drain, Waste, & Vent Systems
Intro to Water Distribution Systems
Installing Fixtures and Valves
Fuel Gas and Fuel Oil Systems
OTHER (We can customize)